Category Archives: Software

cfg_parse on Sourceforge

cfg_parse Icon cfg_parse, that tiny config parser I wrote a few months back, has now been moved to Sourceforge. I also took the time to make some Doxygen comments and generate a manual for it. No major bugs were found but a couple minor tweaks help tighten up the release.

Check it out here:

The easiest, easiest way to use this is to add it as a subversion externals for your project – that way it will automatically get checked out with the rest of your code, and you can build it right in! The syntax would be something like…
svn:externals svn:// cfg_parse .


Before there was World of Warcraft, there was Everquest. I never played it but I had a buddy in college who did: he talked about how amazing the MMO genre was, with all its social aspects, technical quirks, and just plain cool experiences.

Naturally it inspired me to make my own clone. In Visual Basic. With 2d graphics and piping everything through the Winsock .ocx control. Full of programmer art made with a pirated copy of Bryce 3d.


Ah, the wide-eyed days of a young programmer in a rapidly expanding genre. It’s like I was playing out every cliche of the newbie at once. The one thing I had going for me, though, was a thorough understanding of the impossibility of such a project – and a sense of humor about it all. For example, I often joked that the only enemies were going to be Gelatinous Cubes, because that would be easy to render. I once wrapped a photo of my roommate’s face on a sphere to use for a hideous player character head. And so on. Eventually I got about as far as a character select screen, with a couple songs, before giving up and moving on to something else.

Unlike SlugFest, this is one that isn’t ever going to get off the ground. If anyone is interested in the art and music resources, you can have them: hereby released into the Public Domain.


This isn’t my only brush with the MMO genre. Later on some friends and I tried another take on it (“Draconis”) as the U of A Game Dev club project – with a result somewhat similar to The Mana World, and it once held up to five players online simultaneously. The real killer for these kind of games is the sheer amount of content required. Though Draconis worked technically, all the content in the world was viewable at first login. Hardly a compelling MMO experience.

Download GregerQuest Resources: .ZIP file, 1.9mb.

Smoke Help (for OSX)

This is a tool to help people quit smoking. My wife gave me the idea, I just wrote it.


Start the program up and put it into Learn Mode. Every time you have a cigarette, hit the “SMOKE” button. This trains the program, over the course of 100 cigarettes, your (natural) average time between cigarettes.

Then put it into Coach Mode. At this point the program will begin telling you when it’s time to smoke again, using an alarm. Don’t smoke until instructed to do so, and then hit the button when you do. The program starts by alarming at the learned rate, but extends the interval each cigarette. Eventually your rate will slow down to the point where quitting is natural.

At least, in theory. My wife quit without my help so I wasn’t ever able to test it.

This is the sort of thing that would be super-ideal as a mobile app. I don’t have time nor inclination to set that up, but I’d love to see it. So, this is now public domain software. (Included font isn’t though).

Smoke Help OSX Binary – .zip – 2.45 MB
Smoke Help source code – .tar.gz – 227kb

Minus Infection

I took a programming languages class in college, which used Scheme to demonstrate concepts like lexers, parsers, etc. The final project was to write our own interpreted object-oriented language. I enjoyed the class but never quite got the hang of Scheme. So when the time came to write the language, I did the minimum possible in Scheme, and implemented the rest as a standard library add-on to my own language.

Cutting things to the bare minimum resulted in a language with only seven constructs, and the only arithmetic operation was subtraction. Addition would thus be implemented as minus (a, minus(0, b)). IF statements were simply WHILE loops that ran zero or one times. And so on.

Sadly, I don’t have the source code any more. But I do have the README file.

Minus Infection
A Programming Language by
Greg Kennedy

I. Introduction
What is Minus Infection? MI is a programming language which aims to be Turing complete and support object-oriented programming with as few primitives as possible. It is written in Scheme. Functionality is provided by external Library files, which define many of the functions you would otherwise miss from your favorite language.
Because of this, the actual implementation of MI is rather simple, but powerful enough that you can use the built-in functions to build vastly more complicated ones.

But why? Scheme is a fine language. It is really quite powerful. But I just can’t get the hang of all those parentheses and cars and cdrs. So I thought I’d minimize the work I had to do in Scheme, and instead move that work into MI. It’s also sort of an experiment for me to discover just how little is really needed to make a usable language.

II. How do I use it?
MI source files are simply text files – create them in Notepad or vi or whatever.
Your source file is the main routine of your program.

III. What are the primitives?
MI recognizes as “true” any expression which evaluates to less than 0, and “false” as any expression which evaluates to “equal to or greater than 0” (i.e. “not false).

The only variable type MI understands is integer arrays. You can create single variables in your source and omit the subscript when later referencing them – the parser will simply fill in the missing subscript with a [0].

See section 4 for methods for dealing with strings. Internally they are represented (like in C) as an array of integers representing character codes.

Arrays maintain their own sizes and will warn of an out-of-bounds access. For strings, no special termination character is needed.

These primitives are built-in to MI:
MINUS (X, Y) – perform the calculation X – Y and return the result.
LTZ (X) – returns -1 if X is less than 0, 0 otherwise.
WHILE (COND, BLOCK) – continually executes BLOCK as long as COND is true.
SET (X, EXP) – sets X to the evaluated result of expression EXP.
INT (NAME, SIZE) – declares an array named NAME of length SIZE
DOT (NAME, MEMBER) – OO operator: call member function or access member variable
PRINT (x) – Prints X to the screen. X is a string.

IV. What is in the libraries?
You’ve no doubt noticed that the language seems a little sparse. That’s because all the real functionality comes from the libraries.
To load a library, simply place this command in your source file:
LIB “FILENAME” – when parsing, this line causes the execution of FILENAME.

The standard library is called default.lib. It provides the following functions:
< (X, Y), > (X, Y), = (X, Y),
<= (X,Y), >= (X, Y) – Conditionals returning true if X (op) Y.
IF (COND, BLOCK1, BLOCK2) – if COND is TRUE, executes BLOCK1; else executes BLOCK2
– (X, Y) – behaves like MINUS
+ (X, Y) – calculates X + Y, returns result
*, /, % (X,Y) – multiply, divide, modulus
AND(X,Y), OR(X,Y), XOR(X,Y) – boolean operations.
FOR(X, COND, INC, BLOCK) – Similar to C for loops
STRCPY (X, Y) – copies string Y over string X.

V. Example code?
This program prints “Hello, World!” to the screen.

LIB "default.lib"
STRCPY(HWORLD,"Hello, World!");
PRINT(HWORLD); Bringing a Nuke to the Loudness War

Ever heard of the Loudness War? It’s the steady ramp-up in perceived volume that has plagued popular music for the past 30+ years. Producers have steadily chipped away at dynamic range in an effort to make a hotter track. Audio signal-to-noise ratio suffers. Nowadays the typical radio song has a 3-6 dB dynamic range (for comparison, CDs have a theoretical 96 dB range).

Well folks: I’m playing to WIN. Here is a compressor that scales ALL of your peaks to 100%: in other words, compression at a ratio of INFINITY : 1… or a dynamic range of 0. TAKE THAT, PRODUCERS.

Here’s an example in action, cutting from Clair de Lune. First, the original. Then, the RADIO-READY version.

Doesn’t this just sound so much more… hip / edgy / loud / etc?

Interestingly, I tried it on a selection of pop music. It makes for a great demonstration of “listener fatigue”. – zip file containing Perl script, 1.7 kB