ProjectsSoftware / Chess

Anything related to my various Chess Engine attempts.

There is the Chess Engine in Perl that drives my NaNoGenMo 2017 entry, code here:

This needs some cleanup and it doesn't do all the moves yet (perft comes up short) - no castle or en passant yet. So that's something to work on.


There is Chess505, the attempt to put a chess engine in the PIC16F505. Still stuck in move generation.


There is VCSChess, the attempt to put a good chess engine on the Atari 2600. Very early stages.


There is PGNClean, the attempt to fix broken PGN files. I was working on a PGN 1.1 standard to resolve some holes in the original - doing away with the binary representation, using ISO 8601 dates and IOCC country codes, unlimited line length, etc. Got a draft spec but nothing solid.

This was being done for pgn2ebook (which ALSO could use some work), because I wanted to call pgnclean on uploads first to make them standard, and then pgn2ebook import logic could be simplified dramatically.
